Saturday, July 10, 2010

Birkenstock on Albert Lane

I'm really happy to see the new Birkenstock Shop in Brisbane,
you may ask why.
I have my personal Experience as a Hairdresser Apprentice with Birkenstock shoes.
Standing for 8 hours in a busy Hair salon in Kufstein/ Tirol/ Austria would make everyday a painful day but with Birkenstock Shoes which all employees have worn,
you nearly don't feel the 8 hours.

I can just recommend Birkenstock to everybody, specially when in a job where you have to stand all day. Your back will be grateful, and your wallet too because
these shoes just last and last and last.
Birkenstock nowadays offers a great range in Colors and Styles.
Even Kids Birkies are available now.

I found Pink Hippo Birkies,
fits to my Pink Rain Coat :)

Birkenstock on Albert Lane
Albert Street Corner Queen Street Mall
Brisbane CBD
Ph 07 3211 3200