Saturday, July 2, 2011

Check some of our you tube short videos.

Brisbane Arcade; in my eyes is this the most beautiful Arcade in the country. It's like the lil sista from the Queen Victoria Building in Sydney.
A must walk through  when you in Brisbane.

Sheil Collection for Australian Made Gifts
most gifts are made locally and are just great gift ideas. Lots of corporate gift  are purchased  there,
that means for me you can't make to much wrong in buying a gift there. Located in Brisbane Arcade in the CBD.

City Info Brisbane,
if you are new to town, check at the hotel reception or with the concierge for a City Info Town Guide or Quickmap. This is a helpful map, and sometime you get really great deals from our customers.

more videos under :

everybody loves Jan Power's Markets. The diversity attracts all kinds off different people.
Fresch Food, Plants, Nut's, Gift's or a yummy German Bratwurst. Something for everyone. 
Check the times below and make sure next time in the area to drop by for Farmers Market Shopping.

First Sunday of each month- Blackwood St, Mitchelton
Second and Fourth Saturdays- Powerhouse, New Farm
Third Saturday- Esplanade near the pool, Manly

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Birkenstock on Albert Lane

I'm really happy to see the new Birkenstock Shop in Brisbane,
you may ask why.
I have my personal Experience as a Hairdresser Apprentice with Birkenstock shoes.
Standing for 8 hours in a busy Hair salon in Kufstein/ Tirol/ Austria would make everyday a painful day but with Birkenstock Shoes which all employees have worn,
you nearly don't feel the 8 hours.

I can just recommend Birkenstock to everybody, specially when in a job where you have to stand all day. Your back will be grateful, and your wallet too because
these shoes just last and last and last.
Birkenstock nowadays offers a great range in Colors and Styles.
Even Kids Birkies are available now.

I found Pink Hippo Birkies,
fits to my Pink Rain Coat :)

Birkenstock on Albert Lane
Albert Street Corner Queen Street Mall
Brisbane CBD
Ph 07 3211 3200

Monday, May 31, 2010

UGG and EMU Made in Australia

They are fantastic
they are so warm and cosy
and they are real Australian.

And you can get a handbag as well which fits to the boots.

When I got in to the boots I felt so good, real sheepskin products are not to compare with any other similar looking material or fabrics.

It's a very big range and I'm sure you can find your favorite UGG or EMU in this shop.

The UGG or EMU products are favorite gifts for cold and chillie back home, where ever this might be.

Be sure to visit the UGG Shop in Albert St corner Queen Street Mall or in Elizabeth Arcade

Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Sheil Collection at Brisbane Arcade

The Sheil Collection

Everything made in Australia

A great place to shop
for real

Australian Souvenirs

Remember your trip to Brisbane with
well designed, interesting, Australian made gifts.

search and you will find it here.
Don Sheil's Silver plates, Bowls, Wine Collectors and much more

Check out
Brisbane Arcade
160 Queen Street Mall
Brisbane QLD 4000
PH: +61 (07) 3221 4881
Fax: +61 (07) 3229 7806

Dobson - Glass Dobson - Glass

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Cashmere & Camel Wool

The first shop, specialist in Cashmere and Camel Wool Products opened at Brisbane Arcade.

Amara knows all about the finest quality garment and products.
You find Ladys, Gents and Kids garments but also blankets and more

The Cashmere garments and products are well known for its softness, warmth and long lasting but also for elegancy.

Camel Wool is non allergic, non electrified and has some health benefits such are broaden blood vessels, intensify blood circulation and activate metabolism.

Cashmere & Camel Wool
Shop 29, Gallery Level
Brisbane arcade
160 Queen Street Mall
Ph 0061 7 3211 2152

9.30 - 5pm Weekdays
10am- 3.30 pm Saturdays
Sundays closed
red location point nr 29 in City Info, town guide

Friday, August 7, 2009

Liqurious is a very special Gift Shop

Flaschengeist is now
with even more and
better Gift ideas
Have you heared about "Tenterfield Saddler"
Tenterfield Saddlers are established at 1870 and
are 100% Australian Made
You are now able yo get all the great Leather goods.
I'm like that briefcase.
Anyway the special bottled Liquers, Vinegars and Olive Oils are still available and they are always a great gift idea.
Happy Shopping :)

you think that
sounds German,
you are right.
I could not believe it
when I first discovered
this special Gift Shop.

If you look for something different to give
you'll find it here.
Liqueurs, Oils, Vinegars in special Bottles.
Fill it up in what ever size bottle you want it.
Made up in a nice gift pack it looks even better.
A chocolate rose on top and you'll have
the most exiting and different gift of all.

more infos:
Brisbane Arcade Cnr Adelaide Street
Shop 26, 117 Adelaide Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
Ph: 07 3211 1128


Pearls, Pearls, Pearls.

I found at the Brisbane Arcade,
Gallery Level
the most Beautiful Pearl Shop.
The name of the shop is
"Girls Love Pearls"

A pearl is something special,
it is nature,
it is beautiful
and it is feminine.

Marc the Owner, is Brisbane's well known Pearl Specialist and he can recommend or build a new piece to suit your taste.

It is definitely worth visiting Girls Love Pearls.
Look for your self or for a nice present, you'll find what you are looking for.

More info:
Shop 17 Gallery Level
Brisbane Arcade
Brisbane QLD 4000
Ph 07 3012 8361